Activation Microsoft Office 2019 Code

Microsoft Office – Activation Guide

Microsoft software download


You can download the ISO of your Microsoft software 2013 / 2016 / 2019 /2021 from the official links provided below:




If this page is visible during your internet activation, click « back » and activate it via phone

instructions%2F2021%2F9%2F29%2Fae3d7dfc33fab6dca5911be2c2fdb341 Activation Microsoft Office 2019 Code MICROCODES Activation Microsoft Office 2019 Code

Microsoft Office – Phone activation

  1. Start Office program to open the activation wizard.
    instructions%2F2020%2F5%2F20%2F02a490b23bcf17d48a245bac47903bef Activation Microsoft Office 2019 Code MICROCODES Activation Microsoft Office 2019 Code
  2. Select: ‘I want to activate the software by telephone’.
    instructions%2F2020%2F5%2F20%2Fffcb4de482349d4c0872e7f76471cb40 Activation Microsoft Office 2019 Code MICROCODES Activation Microsoft Office 2019 Code
  3. Select your county/region from the dropdown (ie. United States) and call the number provided.
    instructions%2F2020%2F5%2F20%2F911e020aa79fe56f2352af7f9ddf4ec5 Activation Microsoft Office 2019 Code MICROCODES Activation Microsoft Office 2019 Code
  4. In the phone call, You will be prompted to enter the Installation ID code provided by/in the installation wizard (note: Step 2 in the wizard).instructions%2F2020%2F5%2F20%2Fc4351a08e7792862685bba6b75bc0e95 Activation Microsoft Office 2019 Code MICROCODES Activation Microsoft Office 2019 Code
  5. You will be given/provided sets of numbers. Enter number sets into the text boxes.
    instructions%2F2020%2F5%2F20%2F4f337a2efef45878b7c0f06382958825 Activation Microsoft Office 2019 Code MICROCODES Activation Microsoft Office 2019 Code
  6. After you have entered the number sets (provided by telephone activation) into the (text) boxes, hit ‘Next’ and then ‘Finish’.instructions%2F2020%2F5%2F20%2F4ab7861ca9864e07d3851db71f9c58e1 Activation Microsoft Office 2019 Code MICROCODES Activation Microsoft Office 2019 Code

Remarque : Si vous voyez un avis indiquant que l’activation par téléphone n’est plus prise en charge pour votre produit, vous pouvez toujours l’accomplir en visitant la page Microsoft :

Activation de produit Microsoft

Suivez les instructions sur le site pour terminer le processus d’activation en ligne.